Korven is a Clever Warrior who Howls At The Moon in a Fairytale world --------------------------------------------------------------------- Might: ______ Pool: 12 Edge: 1 Defense: Practiced Speed: ______ Pool: 12 Edge: 1 Defense: Practiced Intellect: ______ Pool: 12 Edge: 0 Defense: Trained Initiative: Practiced Effort: 1 Armor: 1 Experience Points: 0 Recovery Roll: 1d6+1 Rested > 1 Action > 10 Minutes > 1 Hour > 10 Hours Damage Track: Hale > Impaired > Debilitated Special Abilities ----------------- Beast form On five consecutive nights each month, you change into a monstrous beast for up to one hour each night. In this new form, you gain +8 to your Might Pool, +1 to your Might Edge, +2 to your Speed Pool, and +1 to your Speed Edge. While in beast form, you can't spend Intellect points for any reason other than to try to change to your normal form before the one-hour duration is over (a difficulty 2 task). In addition, you attack any and every living creature within short range. After you revert to your normal form, you take a -1 penalty to all rolls for one hour. If you did not kill and eat at least one substantial creature while in beast form, the penalty increases to -2 and affects all your rolls for the next 24 hours. Action to change back. Improved edge Choose one of your Edge stats that is 0. It increases to 1. Enabler. Practiced in armor You can wear armor for long periods of time without tiring and can compensate for slowed reactions from wearing armor. You reduce the Speed cost for wearing armor by 1. You start the game with a type of armor of your choice. Enabler. Bash Costs 1 Might point This is a pummeling melee attack. Your attack inflicts 1 less point of damage than normal, but dazes your target for one round, during which time all tasks it performs are hindered. Action. Quick throw Costs 2 Speed points After using a thrown light weapon, you draw another light weapon and make another thrown attack against the same target or a different one. Action. Skills ------ Defense rolls to resist mental effects (Trained) You're trained in defense rolls to resist mental effects. Identifying or assessing danger, lies, quality, importance, function, or power (Trained) You're trained in all tasks involving identifying or assessing danger, lies, quality, importance, function, or power. Lies or trickery (Trained) You're trained in all interactions involving lies or trickery. Heavy weapons (Practiced) Heavy Weapons Light weapons (Practiced) Light Weapons Medium weapons (Practiced) Medium Weapons Lore, knowledge, or understanding (Inability) You were never good at studying or retaining trivial knowledge. Any task involving lore, knowledge, or understanding is hindered. Attacks ------- Light Weapon A light speed attack doing 2 damage. A light weapon of your choice. Granted from Starting Equipment. Medium Weapon A medium might attack doing 4 damage. A medium weapon of your choice. Granted from Starting Equipment. Punch A light might attack doing 2 damage. A right jab. Cyphers ------- Limit: 2 Detonation (Sonic) (Level 7, Manifest) Projects a small physical explosive up to a long distance away that explodes with terrifying sound, deafening all in an immediate radius for ten minutes per cypher level. Detonation (Spawn) (Level 5, Manifest) Projects a small physical explosive up to a long distance away that bursts in an immediate radius, blinding all within it for one minute and inflicting damage equal to the cypher's level. The burst spawns 1d6 additional detonations; in the next round, each additional detonation flies to a random spot within short range and explodes in an immediate radius. Roll a d100 to determine the type of damage dealt by all detonations: Rolled a 80. Shrapnel. Equipment --------- Money: 0 - You see through the schemes of others and occasionally convince them to believe you-even when, perhaps, they should not. Thanks to your clever behavior, you have an additional expensive item. Granted from Clever. - Appropriate clothing and two weapons of your choice, plus one expensive item, two moderately priced items, and up to four inexpensive items. Granted from Starting Equipment. - Armor of your choice. Granted from Practiced In Armor. Advancements ------------ Tier: 1 [ ] Increase Capabilities [ ] Move Toward Perfections [ ] Extra Effort [ ] Skill Training [ ] Other Background ---------- Warrior You're a good ally to have in a fight. You know how to use weapons and defend yourself. Depending on the genre and setting in question, this might mean wielding a sword and shield in the gladiatorial arena, an AK-47 and a bandolier of grenades in a savage firefight, or a blaster rifle and powered armor when exploring an alien planet. Warriors are physical, action-oriented people. They're more likely to overcome a challenge using force than by other means, and they often take the most straightforward path toward their goals. Clever You're quick-witted, thinking well on your feet. You understand people, so you can fool them but are rarely fooled. Because you easily see things for what they are, you get the lay of the land swiftly, size up threats and allies, and assess situations with accuracy. Perhaps you're physically attractive, or maybe you use your wit to overcome any physical or mental imperfections. Howls At The Moon For brief periods, you become a fearsome and powerful creature with control issues. Choose how you became involved in the adventure: • You convinced one of the other PCs to tell you what they were doing. • From afar, you observed that something interesting was going on. • You talked your way into the situation because you thought it might earn some money. • You suspect that the other PCs won't succeed without you. Background Connection --------------------- Your craftsman friend sometimes calls on you for help. However, they pay you well. Focus Connection ---------------- Pick one other PC. Long ago, the two of you were on opposite sides of a fight. You won, though you 'cheated' in their eyes (but from your perspective, all's fair in a fight). They may be ready for a rematch, though that's up to them. Notes ----- Possible player intrusions based on your character type: Perfect Setup You're fighting at least three foes and each one is standing in exactly the right spot for you to use a move you trained in long ago, allowing you to attack all three as a single action. Make a separate attack roll for each foe. You remain limited by the amount of Effort you can apply on one action. Old Friend A comrade in arms from your past shows up unexpectedly and provides aid in whatever you're doing. They are on a mission of their own and can't stay longer than it takes to help out, chat for a while after, and perhaps share a quick meal. Weapon Break Your foe's weapon has a weak spot. In the course of the combat, it quickly becomes damaged and moves two steps down the object damage track. Smart +2 to your Intellect Pool. Granted from Clever Possible GM intrusion from your focus: The change happens in an uncontrolled fashion. People are terrified of monsters.